Green Room - Week 1 - Day 7

Oct 01, 2019 15:03

Yesterday morning I was at work, in the middle of updating some information when I received the blue screen of death, followed quickly by the black screen of "No Hard Drive Found".

It briefly let me continue from there after a reset. But within 15 minutes, the system was completely dead.

Which means that I am now waiting for a new computer (and working from an absent co-worker's desk.)

I don't like sudden changes on a good day. Given how exhausted I was from the trip, and needing to catch up with everything I missed... yeah, this hasn't been a fun transition. The new hard drive was supposed to be here today but so far - well, it looks like I'll be sitting at this other desk tomorrow. Fortunately, the co-worker is gone the whole week.


One thing you *don't* have to wait the entire week for though is the poll. It's up right now!

I'm hoping that people are working their way through the entries. What have YOU read that you think deserves more love than it has been getting so far?

After all, if someone isn't going to have the time to read everything, it's word of mouth that is going to be directing their attention!

day 07, week 1, green room, season 11

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