Results - Week 0 /Thank Yous

Sep 24, 2019 20:16

The poll is now closed.

For those of you who are new to the process or who don't recall, the closing of the poll means that the results are posted. I announce who has been eliminated and maybe say a few words.

You then come in and say goodbye to them. Because after all - you want other people to say goodbye to you when you go. Beyond that though, it's the right thing to do!

This week no one was eliminated. Starting with Week 1, that will not be the case. We will be eliminating folks. It's about to get real.

I usually wait about a half hour before posting the new topic. I would like to give more, but the game doesn't wait very long and people start getting anxious. I like to give a little time and space though when the main focus is saying goodbye. Those leaving us deserve that much, just for coming out and sharing their creativity.

Tonight I will be making that post right away.

Immediately following the topic post I make a post called "The Work Room". There is one Work Room post a week. It's intended as your space to explore ideas/ask questions and hammer things out with the topic.

But before I do either of those, I want to say thank you to our own Sammy Jo for that awesome banner that I used for the Homecoming advertisements.

I also want to thank Cislyn for her work on putting together that spreadsheet she is sharing as well as the chat room.

And of course our Patrons! Without you, I couldn't begin to justify the time that I put into this every week! If any of you want to be identified individually let me know, but from previous conversations I figured you didn't. :) If you want to join their ranks, now is a good time to do it!

Oh, and all of you of course. Thank you for coming out and I hope you have a great time! Or are tortured. Ideally, I hope both of those. :)

The sign up sheet is open until the deadline of Topic 1. So keep spreading the word!

patreon, eliminations, thank you, week 0

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