Green Room - Idol Minor - Week 4 - Day 7

May 31, 2018 18:53

The poll is up: and will be until tomorrow night. So this is your last full day to vote for your favorites!

It's also another important day.

May 31st 2006 was the day I posted the first sign-up sheet for LJ Idol.

For those curious about what that looked like:

It's been an incredible 12 years. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it!

This September is the start of a new mini season, and possibly a new era of Idol. There are definitely a few big surprises/changes in the works that I hope people are going to really like. But in order for that to work I have to ask the same thing I asked back when I was talking about this idea I had 12 years ago - tell your friends! Get them interested. Because this doesn't work without you, and it doesn't work without new people discovering what we have going on here. I think it's something pretty special, and I hope you do too.

day 07, season 2, idol minor, green room, week 4

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