Results - Week 30

Sep 07, 2017 20:31

Every week is a blow.

This week is definitely following suit with that standard.

It would have been regardless of the result. But there's something special with this time...

because this isn't just a regular elimination. There's two announcements that are in play as well.

Before we get to that though, I want to congratulate marlawentmad on her immunity this week! I'm pretty sure she forgot about it, but the Jury had one last immunity to give, and she received it!

So even if she didn't recall, she was guaranteed a spot in the final 4.

With that out of the way, it's time for the bad news. BY A SINGLE VOTE - We are losing j0ydivided.

What some of you know is that isn't the name everyone knows her by - she was one of two people left playing with an alias. Which also meant that several weeks ago, I couldn't make the announcement I wanted to make...

that we had a new member of the 100 Week Club! (actually it's 109 now)

Congratulations kickthehobbit and I'm really sorry to see you go, even though I know you're pretty busy right now anyway.

I hope we will see you around supporting your favorites!

Thank you for being awesome.

100 weeks, eliminations, week 30, season 10

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