Green Room - Week 30 - Day 3

Sep 07, 2017 07:58

The poll is up until tonight:

It will be interesting to see who did well last week, when there wasn't an elimination, and who will end up going tonight. The line seems really small right now. 1 or 2 voters may end up making that decision. So make sure to get the word out!

I was just listening to the Nerdist Writer's Panel podcast's interview with Alice Cooper, who honestly, isn't someone that I've ever paid much attention to in the first place. Obviously, I know who he is... but not in any in-depth way.

The thing that I heard that made me go "I need to bring this up" is his friendship with Groucho Marx.

Apparently, Groucho used to bring his friends - including Jack Benny and George Burns, to the Alice Cooper shows and they would watch from the wings.

Their bond was that Groucho recognized what Alice was doing as part of the vaudeville tradition. Despite being, on the surface, completely different people who most folks would never imagine being friends - their art brought them together.

That's what I love about Idol. It's a shared love of writing bringing people together. It's something that I hope can continue, in one form or another because I think it's really important.

green room, week 30, season 10, day 03

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