Green Room - Week 20 - Day 6

Jun 07, 2017 22:37

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green room, week 20, day 06, season 10

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Comments 16

messygorgeous June 8 2017, 03:03:50 UTC


messygorgeous June 8 2017, 03:11:39 UTC
I loved Modern Romance! Really well researched, but presented with humor. I listened to the book, and Ansari narrates too, so that was cool, to hear it in his voice.

It definitely is interesting, when he interviews the folks in the senior home to learn both how they met their mates and to discover how much simpler their desires were when it came to love.

I think he is right, that as we pursue romantic perfection, we are missing out on a lot of awesome potential mates. In my personal experience, it's one thing to discover someone who looks perfect on paper - or through an Internet dating algorithm - and an entirely different experience meeting that "perfect" person AND having that one essential spark that makes it all come together - chemistry!


ellakite June 8 2017, 16:59:01 UTC

(Help yourself to the cookies. I hear the snickerdoodles are particularly good today.)


messygorgeous June 8 2017, 17:31:53 UTC
SNICKERDOODLES!!! They are my favorite!!!


bewize June 8 2017, 12:52:45 UTC
As for the global culture phenomenon, I have met some amazing people and had some life changing experiences, because of the internet. I've traveled the world. I've learned about other cultures. I've had my eyes opened - and opened some eyes.

As for romance, I would never intentionally seek out long distance. I am too motivated by hugs and cuddles and sappy stuff that you just have to be in person to manage. And, I know myself well enough to know that I need that often, or it just starts to feel restrictive.

Interesting post and I've heard a lot about that book. I'll have to check it out.


messygorgeous June 8 2017, 17:03:48 UTC
I wouldn't do well with a long distance romance either. My husband and I lived just an hour from each other when we met but, with work schedules, really only saw each other on weekends for the first two years of our relationship.
That was TOUGH!


adoptedwriter June 8 2017, 13:01:37 UTC
Sounds like an interesting read. I'm currently reading Hillbilly Elegy, a memoir by J.D. Vance. Great family dynamic story. And his struggle to break out of a unique circle.


messygorgeous June 8 2017, 17:05:39 UTC
That's been on my list for a while. Living in North Georgia, we see so many people that come from the generational poor. Did you read Jeanette Walls The Glass Castle? I loved that memoir and someone told me that if I liked that, I'd enjoy Hillbilly Elegy as well.


adoptedwriter June 9 2017, 20:39:18 UTC
I did. Loved Glass Cadtle! One of my faves!


murielle June 8 2017, 15:52:32 UTC
Can you believe I am watching James Comey's testimony?

Romance? I simply wouldn't look online. Friendship, yes. Romance, no.


dmousey June 11 2017, 02:08:06 UTC
I met my second husband online- we lasted seven years together.


murielle June 11 2017, 02:35:18 UTC
See, it worked for you! And it works for lots of people, but for me no. Basically because I don't have much romance left in me. ;-)


tonithegreat June 8 2017, 16:02:07 UTC
NPR has had some interesting stories lately about the power of the internet to either get you into or out of your own personal bubble of experience. This morning there was this fun one about an ap based on Facebook that's good at getting you out of the bubbles that Facebook tends toward putting people in.

Me, I used to love LJ for exposing me to folks who were just different enough from me to keep it interesting. These days I count on the local rock gym and mom communities to get exposure to people that I share some experiences with, but may be super different on others.


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