thinking allowed (nice pun man!)

Jan 07, 2008 19:43

 mmmm i've had some time to reflect. on everything

i know this may sound all mystical (i hope it doesn't) but i like to believe evrything happens for a reason. i'm trying to work out what lessons i should learn from this. how can this help me grow? what can it teach me? what is it's purpose?

a man i respect very much one said, "athletes don't tend to be over introspective" but this same man also said something that has always struck me as so true, so pure, so right it could be a universal truth

"my illness was humbling and starkly revealing, and it forced me to survey my life with an unforgiving eye. there are some shameful episodes in it: instances of meanness, unfinished tasks, weakness and regrets. i had to ask myself 'if i live, who is it i intend to be?' i found that i had a lot of growing to do as a man"

well lance, yes that's so true in my case too.

from one man with undoubted feet of clay to another....that's the lesson i guess. life is about growth. sometimes doors are shut to you for a reason. there is no wisdom in asking why, for that ISN'T where the path intends to take us. the path is about growth, change, advancement. not in a material sense. not in a "social status" sense. it's about the growth of your soul

a very wise woman friend of mine is forever telling me to "monitor my internal dialogue" she's smarter than i ever give her credit for. i guess that's one of the million reasons i love her so. think before you speak JD indeed!

so what have i learned from the "disasters" of today.

well in the first instance, maybe that was never meant to happen. maybe my path lies down the road of plan B

in the second instance, it's all about compassion. learning to temper my soul, to remember the thoughts and feelings of others. to be a true friend and offer solace and care. to be a man.........

and maybe my ED is a part of all of this. without doubt, i would not be where i am or who i am without it. but there are things i can do to change from "this point" regrets are futile, what counts is what you do with each second from here on in. THAT'S the power of reflection. that's what memory is for. to serve one in advancing, not to hold one back........
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