20 Weeks!

Feb 25, 2009 21:43


After waiting 3 hours in the waiting room (ok, not literally) we had our 20 week appointment yesterday. Nothing too thrilling to report. I gained another 4 pounds thanks to the food fest that was this weekend!! When you take out what I lost at the beginning, I've gained 5lbs now. They measured my fundal height right at 20 weeks, and we heard the heartbeat again. Baby seemed to be moving around a bit this time and the heartrate was right around 160bpm. AAAAAAND we finally got an appointment for our gender ultrasound!! YAY!

So Thursday at 4:30 we'll go in (some of us painfully full of pee) to see what's brewing in there. If anyone wants to make any bets, now's the time!

As for me, I've been feeling a bit better. I still feel yuck first thing in the morning and at bedtime, and the rolaids have become a bedtime snack. I don't think I've really felt baby move yet, but I may have and not realized it. I thought I felt something in the waiting room, but it could have just been a gas bubble. I've also noticed my appetite has been increasing. I'm especially hungry in the morning. By the time I get to work, I'm ready for breakfast #2...then #3...then #4!

I don't really have much of a belly still, but I'm to the point where I much prefer maternity pants/ skirts. I'm ok in my regular clothes, but if I have to sit in them, they are tight in the baby zone...which is uncomfortable. I don't like seatbelts for the same reason. I need to get online this week and see what I can find in long length jeans. Flarg. Jeans are hard to find when I'm NOT pregnant!

Thats about it for now. I'll post again on Thursday with the ultrasound pictures and hopefully a definitive sex!


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