This cold has been kicking my butt since Saturday. Sniffly, headachy, woozy. Yuk. I had to run around in the rain all day yesterday, which involved getting rained on several times, because it poured all day here, and I'm sure that didn't help. I have that sexy come-hither hoarseness going on, and also I'm at the phase where everything smells funny. I put some old macaroni and cheese down the garbage disposal while ago, and it seems like I can still smell it, and it's driving me crazy. Crazier? I got up at 8:30 today and promptly went back to bed at noon because I was tired and slept until 2:30. Ugh.
Here's an interesting thought: if you could introduce people on your LJ friends list to each other, who would you introduce and why? Just off the top of my head:
mrflagg and
darksight, because they can both be very random and post things that make no sense to anyone but themselves.
south_wind and
fair_witness, because there's a similarity that strikes me about them when I read their entries; I just feel as though they'd like each other.
sebatical and
oh_the_ironing, because they're both very funny and witty guys (and both way too cool for me but I'm glad they friended me anyway!).
feverish and
susie_sunshine, because they're both crafty, like animals and are very articulate and have a way of making you feel as though you know them just from reading their journal entries.
I may think of some more later, but that's it for now.