Apr 21, 2007 21:57
Well ladies and Gents, the term "open mouth, insert foot" applies to me... I told my boss that I could use money, so to use me, and abuse me, so last week, this week, I am out 11 days straight, I flew out Sunday the 15th, and I am flying home Thursday the 26th. and I have one day off, and that is tomorrow... and I get to drive 4 hours to Jersey, in the last two days I worked 32 hours at least, and I can't feel my right leg because of my back issues.... When I get home I am going to try to get back into the doc... I am about sick of hurting..... I miss my family, all of them. I have been kinda of messed up lately in the head emotionally, Sarah says it's a good thing, things I have suppressed for 24 years are coming out, and healing... I know she is right, but I am just going to blame it on Mike. So Bro, YOU SUCK!!! lol. The thing I am really afraid of is that I will have to face one more person for the healing to finish... and I don't know if that is something I can do. For the ones that don't understand that, please don't worry about it, for you that do, you know, and that is good enough.... Well that's enough of my rambling.