Jul 10, 2006 11:53
I am going in to my appointment today at 3:00 pm, i am real nervous, and then willy wants me to get a second opinion in utah after this...man the irony....as much as i hate doctor visits especially ones like these...i guess i should just get over it...its just kinda hard too...it seems easier to go to my piercer than it is to go to a doctor visit...god am so nervous...well when i get any results back i will let ya know...i have to take my piercing out...i aint doing it ahead of time...that baby is stayin in till the xray is gonna be done...to much healing, money and time spent keepin upkeep with it...Well hope today fly's by then i will feel better, did i say i quit drinking soda? Yeah that and been exercising and stuff, also started using this new ab wheel thing...you act like you are doing a push up this thing is hard...my abs allover are so sore....well update you all later!! Luvs!!