Feb 01, 2006 13:13
I have been considering various career choices -please tell me what you think gentle readers.
Option A)
I am a mother now - so that is it, my professional life is over. I never will work outside the house again. I will stay at home and look after kiddies and kiddies and more kiddies for ever and ever until I die as a great matriarch, silver haired great grandma Fitzgerald Weeks, knitting booties and bouncing yet another descendant on my knee.
Option B)
I take at least six months off work possibly a year or longer. By the time the youngest is at school I will be working at least part-time. I start planning a suitable well-paid career now recognising that people are staying in the workforce longer and longer. I don't think it is good enough for a married mother to say "My husband is a professional so I'm okay Jack; I don't need a long-term career plan." As well as being very 1950s-ish, and a betrayal of my upbringing with a feminist mother and a very academic Loretto high school education, nothing is definite in life. It's terrible to think but that proverbial bus or other calamity could always collect my darling Allen at any time, and I would still have a family to support.
Option B1: I stay within the hospital system, and upgrade my TAFE teaching qualification now. I get my certificate three in health and eventually teach this qualification one-on-one to other hospital staff. (Pay: so-so)
Option B2: I stay within the hospital system and work as a ward clerk or receptionist for ever and ever. (Hey some people do you know). I could even be a receptionist at other hospitals - wow. (Pay: crap - stays that way)
Option B3: I get a job as a patient representative and help people solve their problems. (Pay: crap - stays that way)
Option B4: I look for a totally different career that suits my abilities and many talents. Latest thoughts, maybe a public relations career. It involves writing and talking and communicating and all the other things that I love to do. (Pay: starts off crap, can become really high)
Option B5: I try and find work as an English teacher in an English-language school. (Pay: crap-stays that way)
Option B6: I go and get my DipEd like everybody else has done in to take my chances in the very very fickle teaching market. (Pay: starts off reasonable - doesn't get much higher)
Option C)
The same as all the B options above but I put Bobby in to long day care straight away and play superwoman like to doctors do.
eg. Finding work as a patient representative now and taking almost no time off to look after Bobby would be option C3.
Any thoughts people?