First journal entry ever

Apr 09, 2003 21:00

Yeah so i got this journal thing working finally. Its actually a lot more complicated than i thought. Just to let you guys know i mainly got this so i can comment on other journals. My journal wont be all that cool cuz there isnt really much to talk about. As far as my day went i found out i got a B in algebra 2 trig because i only did about 50% of my homework for the marking period. Now i need to get a 97 to get an A for the year which most likely will not happen but who knows. The rest of the day was pretty cool. I found out that i have like a 102 average in history. More importantly i went to diana's after school. Good times let me tell you. Actually i miss her a lot right now even though i was there like 3 hours ago. To tell you the truth i miss her as soon as i step out the door or give her the last kiss before i go out to the car. It kind of sucks that we spend so little time together but it makes the time we are together that much better. guess thats it for today.
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