This is the End.

Jan 01, 2011 13:19

Hey there, If you're looking for my writing. I'm afraid it's all gone.

Due to the way it was bantered around Tumblr, I decided to take the action to remove it all. I know I cannot remove whatever has been published on Tumblr, but in a way for me, this is closure to it all.  I don't want this to be a rant to anyone who posted my Slash on Tumblr... it's not. I understand you all have your own opinion on it, but I didn't like the way you expressed your opinion. That's all I have to say.  The more I looked into where my Slash Stories were being posted the more hate I found and the more I found it about other Slash. Slash by writers I considered to be wonderful and write excellent stuff. It was basically being posted just to take the piss out of the pairings in general. To a degree I could understand it with the kink!fics because it's not everyones cup of tea, but to be posting it about some of the wonderful 'normal' story lines... it's just ridiculous.  I cannot express to you all enough how much of a mess I was in when I was reading this stuff about what we post here. I was angry beyond belief/upset/hurt... very butthurt... I had sensitive writer problems. I don't think i'll ever understand why people took it to Tumblr.... but what has upset me is... it's been happening for awhile. As I said the more delved, the worse it got.  I've decided not to write anymore. I'm a big believer in things happening for a reason and I know for me it's time to concentrate on my exams/college.  I will still be commenting and reading. Also I currently beta for 23a_j10 and will continue to do so. If anyone else is looking for a beta/wants me to beta for them, I would be more than happy to. Even if its just discussing idea's about where to take a story line or talking over plot lines then, as I said... Im more than happy to talk/help. If not that's fine, i'll go back to lurking. I want to say sorry to the anon I was writing the kink!fic for, as I said in the comments on the kink!meme, I doubt i'll be able to finish it, let alone post it. Also I want to say sorry to Stacy 23a_j10 because I some way I feel like i've given her meme a bad name. I also feel like I've done that for ATB in general, so I guess you could say this is a sorry to everyone?  Idk... On the last note, I want to say Thank-you to anyone and everyone who has ever read one of my Slash stories and left me some awesome comments on it, telling me how much they enjoyed reading it / like it / cried whilst reading it. I have had some really brilliant comments off of you all and I am so thank-ful for them. Thanks for reading my drabble about leaving too. xx
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