Interesting Weekend

Sep 05, 2004 11:49

Okay, I know stuff has been rather weird recently, so I figured I'd write here what has happened so far this weekend.

On Friday, I got up around 10:00 and ate with Jon, and did Math Emporium reviewing stuff. I got a 100 on the practice quiz, so I figured I'd go to the Emporium that evening to get it out of the way. I went to class and worked, and wasn't done with that until around 5:00. After that I went to the Emporium for about two hours, and got a 66 on the real quiz. Oh, well. I ended up back in my room around 7:30. Soon after that, Jon talked to me online about how Qi wanted to go to Wal-Mart (he had wanted to go last weekend and Jon offered to give him a ride over there), and asked if I wanted to go. I said sure, and suggested that we eat dinner together. So we met over at Hokie Grill and ate, and during the course of the conversation Jon mentioned he had that movie Life. Qi really wanted to see that and decided to watch that instead of going to Wal-Mart. After going to Jon's apartment to get it and a little debate, we ended up watching it here, and you know what happened then. When the movie was over, it was nearly 11:15. Qi asked what we wanted to do, and I said we'd still have time to get to Wal-Mart if we hurried (the bus came at 11:15). So we decided to do that, but Qi realized he did not have his wallet. Jon said he'd loan him some money. We sprinted to the bus...well, Qi did. I started out doing that, but he got so far ahead of me that I thought there was no point to it so I jogged most of the way. Jon tried to keep up with Qi but he couldn't. We went over there and had a lot of fun, with Qi going around picking up stuff he needed, and very soon we hit the movie section. Okay, I admit it...the entire time since Jon mentioned going there I had been thinking about going and getting the dad gum Tomb Raider movie. I had actually been thinking about just going by myself this weekend. Anyway, we were in the movie section and I did not see it anywhere except on tape. I was a little sad and then remembered that Wal-Mart always has little islands with cheaper movies on them out separate. I went looking and sure enough, there it was. There was only one widescreen one, too. I was beating myself up the entire time, but a combination of it being the only one, the price, you telling me to go for it, me having told you to get Matrix 3 since you saw the other ones, Jon telling me I'd like it (he's seen them and knows the types of movies I like), and the fact that my willpower has for some reason taken a nosedive since I saw the first Tomb Raider on TV made me buy it. There was lots of other stuff I wanted that was cheap too, but I restrained myself. Jon bought A Nightmare on Elm Street and Antwone Fisher. Qi ended up hiding the stuff he wanted somewhere and not getting anything. I ended up going to bed around 1:30. As a side note, they were showing The Lion King 2 there.

Saturday, I woke up and did some of my Physics Lab work (which was finally posted after some nice e-mailing with my lab instructor) and some Physics lecture work. I might do more today, I don't know. Anyway, after that, I sat around for a while waiting for Jon to talk to me about Adrian coming over, but he never did. So I called him and went over there, but I didn't arrive until around 4:30. We played some Madden, and soon after Adrian, Darron (the guy that likes the Dolphins), and someone I didn't know before but who was very nice named Sean came over. We went out to a bunch of differnet places and got food (Jon, Darron, Adrian and I went to McDonald's but Adrian got an entire medium pizza for himself from Papa John's). We came back and all watched a Dave Chappelle stand-up thing on Showtime together. After that, we hung around joking and stuff, and played some Madden. Sean (Rams) beat Adrian (Cowboys), I (Vikings) beat Steve (Eagles), Jon (Seahawks) and Darron (Titans) played but Darron got angry cause it was on a difficulty setting he wasn't used to, so they changed it and Jon still was beating him, and he got angry and stopped. I came back around that time (Adrian gave me a ride) and got to bed around 2:30.

Now I'm here. I think I'm gonna watch Tomb Raider 2. I had been waiting cause Jon said he wanted to watch it with me but I've realized that I can't count on stuff people say like that (this sort of thing has happened several times, with whatever was being discussed not happening), so I'm just gonna go ahead and check it out. After I call you.
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