Jan 27, 2005 09:27
nothing new around here accept for the lack of flying due to the weather. i think that i will be able to fly by friday. the cool thing is that once i have my privite pilot's licence, i can fly my friends around. sooo coool! I don't know what's going on with vegas drama, and that's a good thing because i have enough sheet to worry about. the only thing i don't like right now is how people are treating one another. maybe it's just me, but i don't like to fight with anyone unless they really piss me off. then it's on! hopefully nothing is going on as far as school trips or trips in general so that i may come down again. we could probably go camping again! yeat!... i mean yeay!!! mandi, your awesome. becky, answer your phone! tati...i'll leave it at that. cory, sorry you have a small penis. tati's boy toy, i'm sorry for you man, or woman, whatever the hell you think you are. from now on, your name is pat or terry, because it can go both ways. til next time.