An array of different topics

Nov 02, 2005 21:36

The first thing I would like to state is that there is no Dave's DnD at gregs house on Friday. Sorry guys. I will be there only till about 11:30 sorry guys.

Tonight was fun. Kevin came over to work on our project for Math class. that was fun let me tell you. Well he came over when i was just finishing painting the stairwell. I was fealing a bit loopy painting. So we came downstairs also where a bunch of paint is. After about 20 mins we were laughing at the stupidest things. We had so much fun. The project some how got finished. I don't know how though.

I think now I am just relizing this. I have the oppisite of depression, Insanity. this came on me after talking with one of Carry's friend's. I think if fits me.

Also today I got down that stupid stuffed animal on top of the roof of the school. I brought in rope and tryed a couple of times to get it down with just the rope wiht a knot in the end of it. that didn't work too well so I tied my shoe to it. That work a bit too well. I got it down and I got my shoe back. Not that I was worried about it. My konts aer the best in the business. I can tie all the knots in the boy scout hand book blind folded.

Any ways sorry for takeing so long to update LJ. Have fun this week end guys in the Marching band. Good luck!!!


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