In all honesty, last Saturday was the BEST FUCKING DAY OF MY LIFE.
I met my friend K at Charing Cross station at around 3.30 ( I had rehearsal in the morning) and we both headed out into Trafalgar square. I've never been in London while Pride was going on, and it just completely blew me away; I had honestly not expected there to be so many people around. But it was packed, music was blaring, people were dancing and singing and kissing and hugging, and - it just felt so good to be in a place where you know you are accepted for whoever you are. We wandered around for about an hour, picking up stickers and leaflets and stuff (I had quite a nice collection of stickers on my dress by the time we left!) and then headed to Dress Circle and Snog (an awesome frozen-yoghurt shop about five minutes away) and then went back for a little while. When I think about it, it was quite overwhelming.
But the best was yet to come.
You guys. I can't even.
K and I got to BFI around 6pm - the show started at 8.30, but we were hoping to catch a glimpse of JGL before it started, and WE DID. We were ambling around and he just suddenly appeared and smiled at us as we walked past. I would have got a photo, but he looked pretty busy, so I didn't ask.
He is so pretty. I'm pretty sure I must have looked deranged.
Its silly really, but after he walked past, I got a little depressed. Not because I hadn't spoken to him or asked for a photo or anything - I just felt that even if I'd gotten the chance, I wouldn't have known what to say, and that nothing I could say would be good enough. My biggest wish is to meet him, not through him doing a show, but through doing something awesome enough that he knows who I am and respects me. Which is a pretty big and unrealistic wish, but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.
I moped a bit, so we walked around again and got some food, and then suddenly it was 8.15, and the show was about to start and I had to stop myself from openly screaming in excitement :D
Yes, I realize I look slightly high in this picture. But it was about 5 minutes before the door was supposed to open, and holy shit, I was EXCITED!
The show actually ended up starting at 9 due to technical hitches. But it was SO WORTH THE WAIT.
The show consisted of a mix of short films, readings, audience discussion and music. JGL did a hilarious voice-over of one of the short films, which you can see
HERE and got audience members up to help. He also sang Oasis' "Don't look back in Anger", which I got a video of, but don't have to hand. It'll be around on youtube somewhere.
Oh, and Anne Hathaway was there!
She did a short reading, and her and JGL were so cute together! He ran on stage just as she finished, picked her up and swung her around, and everybody cheered.
By this point, it was around 11pm, and I was thinking shit, I've got to get home. They chose that moment to announce that JGL would be doing a book signing after the show of the Tiny Book of Tiny Stories, so, of course, I HAD to stay, because, you know, EEEEEEEEE!
So K and I hotfooted it out of the cinema, walked to the entrance, and managed to get 3rd place in the queue! When I got up to the desk, I just smiled and handed him the book. He asked me what my name was, and when I told him, he smiled and went "CLAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUDIA!" and sang my name!
I get that he will probably never know who I am.
I get that he will have forgotten my name within two seconds of meeting.
But I don't care, because HE SANG MY FUCKING NAME.
I just smiled, said "Thank you", and moved away, because there must have a been at least a couple of hundred people in that queue. He signed K's as well (both of our books have our name, his name, and a smiley face :D) and then we legged it (screaming somewhat) back to the station.
I got home at 12.30, because there was a fight on the train and the police were called. My parents were pretty mad. But I don't care, because you guys, I've never had such a good day in my life. Ever. I felt accepted, I felt inspired, and I met
Joseph Gordon Fucking Levitt.
Really, what more can a girl ask for?