To start off, This entry will be my last public post as it will be readable by only my friends on Livejournal in the future. I am basically going to use this page to basically rant on personal issues in my life. If you are not a friend of mine on Livejournal and still want to read these rants when I post them, Send me a friend request here. If you want to read rants on other stuff, I will basically use my Tumblr for that and the occasional re-blog of cool stuff. This is going to be the blog for posting the various screenshots I take in games. I have posted 3 of my favorite Halo Reach screenshots to start of. I will post more of my favorites later since I haven't made any new screenshots yet. If you want to ask me random questions, ask away on my Formspring page. Just ask creepy or super weird questions. I will just answer them with a random movie quote so you will not get the answer you want. Be sure to also check out my Sound Shapes blog. I know that I haven't updated it while but I will fix that in the near future. I update my Twitter a lot so that's the best place to read random tweets for me. Sometimes, I like to tweet while playing a game. Here's my Facebook. Just send me a message to let me know who you are when you send a friend requests.
I think that basically covers every social media thing I use. I would add my Google+ but I rarely use it.