Jul 27, 2005 14:03
here's my day at work thus far (reminder that this is my shitty summer job, not teaching):
-arrive to work 15 mins early.
-contact supervisor re: 'what should I do today?'
-supervisor informs me that he brought me in early...the event I am needed for does not start for another hour. 'get yourself something cold to drink, walk around, catch up, relax until 2,' says he...
-drive around the parking lot in a highly air conditioned vehicle listening to NPR for 40 mins.
-meet supervisor in the lobby to ask about specifics for the load in today (I'm in to oversee the load-in of vendors for a party/awards ceremony for rich Main Line assholes). supervisor informs me that it's pretty much up in the air because today is an optional load-in day for anyone who might want to load in early. could be 2 people, could be 10. hard to say how many or when they're likely to arrive - could be 2 pm, could be 6 pm. 'just hang out, relax and when someone gets here, go to the door,' says he...'good thing I brought a book today,' says I...'exactly,' he says.
now I remember why I both loved and loathed this job...so boring, but so easy.
FUCK!! I just spent 15 mins typing 4 paragraphs about wanting to move away and other things, and this FUCKING computer erased it!!!! ARRRRGGGHHH@!!!!
long story short: I want to move out of the area! I'd been thinking about it all week, had resolved to put out resumes to other places before I even left, couldn't stop thinking about moving the entire drive home, and then got a call from a North Carolina School this morning asking me to come in for an interview!!
I'd written in lovely flowering language that I'd like to send my feelers out to central and western PA, as well as the western regions of Maryland, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and maybe even West Virginia (the eastern regions, though). I am coming to dislike the place that I live more and more all the time, and though I love the school I teach in, I want more! More for myself, my spouse, my kids...I want a better place for them, and where I am now is just floundering and falling apart. it's becoming a city, and urban area...a detestable urban area.
lastly I mentioned that I should talk to Marysa about this tonight, not as a definite plan, not as an ultimatum for us, but just so she will realize what is in my head, and that I have dreams and desires to move...
I think that it would be a very sad and pathetic thing for me to live my life in the same place, working in the same place...I don't think that, laying on my death bed, that is how I'd want to remember the life I'd lived. that doesn't seem a life worth living.
Fucking computer.