There was something.... some thread on this board I post at about cutting the other day, and they were laughing at what an attention-getter it is. I guess it is these days. It's become so pop-cultureish... like anorexia or bulimia.... or many other disorders really. Like it's so common that it's become a joke to the majority of the population,
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I think our culture needs to get off this whole "skinny" obsession. We need to have an obsession with health, not thinness. That's my two cents anyway.
I saw oprah yesterday and I was amazed at her friend's closet. I mean I can understand having a lot of clothes, but there is definitely an excess and she went beyond it. I wasn just thinking of people in other countries that might be poor watching that and seeing "our troubles": having too much stuff in our closets.
I'm glad I didn't work today. the preview for tomorrow's episode was a health book talk. If it's the book I'm thinking of, no one has touched it before yesterday. And now they'll probably have bitchy mobbing women desperately trying to find it.
I mean Oprah has a good message a lot of the time, but it's so heavily emphasized by material things that it kinds of makes the message obsolete.
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