She Said Hi, He Said Hello (Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir Picspam)

Apr 07, 2010 16:55

Well, I didn't see that one coming.

Mostly with medals. Being pretty and adorable.

- Please don't hotlink/take my graphics without permission. The pictures don't come like that, you know (although I openly admit that the Olympic photographers are made of awesome).
- Photo credit: Yahoo Sports
- Title from Q and A
- For sure, like I said before, Tessa looks like a Deschanel sister. And I figured out who Scott looks like (or who looks like Scott, I guess...and yes, I did just look up Wizards of Waverly Place on IMDb for this picspam). Y/n?
- Also? Tessa Virtue is totally a Disney princess name, if anyone missed that.
- 8th section down. This picture is insanely awesome. It's timeless. Seriously. If I couldn't read the Vancouver 2010, I might be slightly inclined to believe that this was taken in like...the sixties.
- And I just need to state for the lulz that Scott totally looks like he's in an intense moment of ecstasy on the podium. Intense.
- Second to last picture is EPIC. Gorgeous.
- More momentarily superficialness: Hair. And that's all I have to say about that.
- A boy who wears a cross is a boy after my own heart. ♥
- Comments are love. :)

picspam: olympics

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