CSI: New York 6x10 Picspam

Dec 11, 2009 21:25

Out here in the fields
I fought for my meals
I get my back into my living

Dear writers, thanks for only having eight main characters. Or thanks producers for only paying eight actors and actresses the big money. That works for me, too. It fits my blocks perfectly for picspamming. Woohoo. I don't know why crime shows are suddenly the only ones that have intros anymore. Intros are hardcore. And fun. Admittedly, I did like the original intro better than this one. More of the words and less music. And I also liked Gary freaking Sinise's scenes better in the original. I don't really like the one with his luggage. But I really like the one I took for AJ. Don't know. And who doesn't love Eddie's?

Flack: Woah!

New York's pretty when it's all lit up isn't? This sequence had the pretty yellow and red lights on the top of that building in the third cap. But, uhm, when I watched this the first time my only comment was definitely something about how Eddie was really hot in the opening, by the way. It's true. That's a nice shirt. And who doesn't love the reaction? No one, that's who. And who that didn't read spoilers/already know all about the episode was totally like what did he see? Everyone. That's right. Everyone.

Flack: I'll remember to thank him before I toss his ass in jail.

Things unfold. We know what's going on. Yay. This is, indeed, very much like a Halloween episode. Just that it's taking place before Christmas. But, whatever, that's cool. Smoosh all your holidays together and whatnot. I mean, Thanksgiving wasn't that long ago (and who wasn't loving the whole team together and well and happy?). Anyway. There's mummy that kind of looks like Sid and Flack seems to be the only person who really notices that the house is kinda weird, yeah? I mean, they didn't notice a room the first time through. How often does that happen? Never! Because they're cops. And they're detailed. But, yay for old cobwebby pictures (that later Stella manages to magically clean up on her cell phone, what what). And everyone decides to leave Hawkes gather the evidence himself. Broken widow, yo! That's a crime tried and true, when it's got a rope hanging down from it. And I just need to throw out, how adorable is Don Flack when he's looking up at that window? And the smile Mac gave him? Adorable, adorable. I want a hug from everyone.

Yes, puzzles! Adam's favorite thing! I mean, if it's not an actual puzzle, a la season four, then it's putting glass back together. Aren't we glad he loves puzzles so much?

Ho snap! Are you looking at how much of a spy he looks in the first cap? He'll take you down, with his computer and his puzzle skills. Yeah. But, uh, Adam, woman in a business suit with a clipboard does not look lost. Thanks for being nosy, though, you make life easier for us. ♥ And no Haylen, y/y? I knew there was a reason this scene was worth it. Aside from AJ Buckley's smiles.

Aw, I love it when we all have fun in the M.E.'s office. History lessons, FTW. I love your random knowledge, Sid. Also, can I remark on the fact that Stella's the only one who wasn't prepared before they walked into the morgue? I find this amusing for some reason. Woo! Don's back. Surprise it's not who we thought it was! Crazy.

YES. DANNY MESSER IS ALIVE. Carmine, I love your fohawk. A lot. Although, I do find it interesting that Danny's doing the facial reconstruction based off a skull, when we all know that Hawkes would probably be best at it, given his knowledge of the human anatomy (seriously, he knew from her skull that Aiden had Angelina Jolie lips! What up with that?). But, anyway, Danny finds out who our mummy is and they've pretty much figured out what happened to him (if they're a little sketchy on the details, at best). And it's all good, except we're still all 'WHO MADE THE PHONE CALL?' 'Cause it wasn't a guy whose been dead forever. Luckily Adam finished his puzzle and found a fingerprint. So, it's probably that guy. Y'know, most likely. Unless he's just a guy who cleans windows or hands out on the roof of New York penthouses. Side note, who doesn't think that saying "Adam Ross!" to get his attention when you want what he's got (evidence wise, I didn't mean that like you read it. Dirty minded people.) should catch on?

I love it when we walk through the lab and end up back in Mac's office. 'Cause he has a pretty hardcore office. Anyway, Danny has undeniable proof that someone's still in the penthouse, and now we're all taking the fact that Flack's boys missed one room the first time around seriously. So of course he's the one who gets to go looking into the creepy old attic. And, yes, the third cap in that row was necessary. Can I just say that even though I knew what Mac was doing, it's still kind of awkward that Stella and Donnie boy (I love you, Danny :D) were just standing there...you know, like, okay, we didn't find anything so we're just gonna let you vandalize the wall. That's cool. And then! Woah and then! Should've risked stepping on the crack, Stella. Aw, adorable Mac and Flack (yes, the rhyming still does it for me). We found the murder weapon (although, I have to wonder in retrospect if it really would've hurt Stella too terribly. I mean, who hasn't seen Fool's Gold? Fight scene with the sword from the Aurelia? Hello). But awesome points for the cinematography with getting that blade in shots with everyone. And yay for puzzle by numbers! We just need Adam for that and things would be right with the world.

Don's was just all 'Yeah, so, anything could happen at any moment in this house. I'm gonna peace out and you guys can do all the detective work yourself.' Can't blame him, I guess, 'cause he's more about living people than dead ones. And I know that sentence sounds weird, considering he's a homicide detective, but trust me. I know what I'm talking about. Mac is an officially awesome person for having a video chat over his cell phone. (Seriously, what the hell kinda phones are we giving them?) Looks like Adam and maps are going to rival Adam and puzzles, y/n? Anyway. More awesome points for Danny and Adam working in the lab together. I mean, if there's no Lindsay...

Look, we found a clue! (Anybody else kind of reminiscing to the days of Scooby-Doo?) And who, besides Mac, wasn't like 'GREEN BRICKS!' Because there should've been green bricks on the wall somewhere, damnit. Anyway, Stella gets to be all adorable at knowing which one's glass and surprise! Then we're back to the lab with the world's first iPod. How much of a dork are you, Messer? And, uh, Hawkes's glasses are badass fo'sho. Look! Stella's magically cleaned up picture! I'm glad they realized that the room they were in was the one where that picture was taken. Although, I still have to wonder if the trigger wasn't just in the chair and the fact that they moved around all of the furniture was entirely unnecessary. Anyway, Gary Sinise also looks badass sitting in that chair. My sister just loves his face in that part. And, no, I don't mean that as in 'I love your face off,' but literally in the 'I love the way your face looks,' sense. Although, she still thinks Mac grabbing Stella's hand to see the picture was awkward. It does look kind of weird in the cap after the picture, admittedly. Oh snap, guess we found mystery caller. Hawkes is back. Mac finds the closet that Stella was in earlier! Holy closets, Batman! No, really, I'm digging the continuity, peoples. The oven room, by the way, looks really gorgeous in photoshop...So, Hawkes sends Danny Lawson's fingerprint and Danny's all 'Damn, it doesn't match the fingerprints from next to the boot. I'm going to do more digging.' even though they don't tell you that and they probably should. Anyway. Just had to do it, huh, Hawkes? Couldn't just leave things the way they were.

So, Hawkes escapes nearly being smashed between walls, because Mac's awesome. And just when everybody thinks they've got it all figured out, Danny explains it all. And Mac gets a call from Flack and because he's a genius he knows the obviously the house is attempting to kill Danny's Lawson phone call girl through the use of water (yes, the HOUSE). But mostly everyone's like 'WHY ISN'T THIS OVER YET?' But Adam gets to show off his knowledge of geology Carmine and Eddie get screen time to be lovely, as always. Well, that's half the water mystery solved.

And that's the other half. Mac stomping his foot on the phone with Flack and Messer is completely made of win. Thanks for being smart kids. And now we've found our missing girl. In water. In the wall. They didn't really explain that well, I don't think. So, what, she was in a tank and only the preset gears of the clock could open it? More importantly, how the hell did these people manage to get in these places when the CSIs couldn't figure it without lengthy amounts of time? Danny looks like a nosy little kid in the cap where Mac's putting the camera through the wall, by the way. ♥ And for those of you just tuning it, yes, you would probably reasonably be like all 'What the eff is Stella doing?' And that's reasonable, even for us that have been watching the whole time. I mean, come on, there would totally be another clue. You've only actually had one thus far. And I'm assuming Danny went to get Flack, here, since he just disappeared and Don shows up later. They must have been off being besties. Let's be logical. Awesome chest of drawers stairs! And....nothing happens. Yay, Adam. And, are we serious about the whole no Haylen thing (YES.) or is it going to be something stupid like, 'I turned down the job because I thought I could learn more from you' (not a reasonable excuse. Because they're the F.B.I. [even though we're all confused about why she's getting the job offer in the first place considering she's a rookie and Adam's a badass whose been around for a lot longer]) or some crazy realization that she's in love with someone that would come out of left field. Uh, no. False. Anyway. Yay for more Adam and maps.

Hawkes fixes the world's first iPod. And now we know what really went down. Right? Although, I still don't particularly understand the historical part of all this. I mean, I get the whole the penthouse guy killing the other guy, but...I don't know. I guess Mr. Penthouse though Mr. Mummy more intelligent than he actually was or something. It's just...awkward that our dead guy was dead after the first part of the riddle house and thus he failed epically at getting out. I dunno. Side note, how hard would it have to be to live in a place with all that crap? I mean, oh crap, I stepped on the wrong tile today 'cause I was hungover and now I'm dead. That's pretty unfortunate. Yeah. I didn't get the riddle at all until Mac tossed out the answer. But I'm not good at riddle's anyway. But who else was like, 'you're all just throwing out random crap?' Haha. Albuquerque. I can do it, too. Snorkel. Anyway. Everyone looks fabulous in this scene and the wall EXPLODES. And out comes our missing girl. Which is kind of awkward 'cause they're are four of them and everybody can't rush the girl at once. I mean, look at how awkwardly Don was just standing there are the end. But Danny on his cell phone. ♥ And ending sequence go! So...does this girl get off clean...like, you're still alive so it's all good. Or is she just going to get a little spot on her record for breaking and entering? I mean, she has been through quite a bit.

YES. ABRUPT ENDINGS. I mean, I'm all for 'we're a team. And we're hardcore.' I can't be the only person who wants to know what happens to that house. I mean...does it stay closed forever? There're probably more DBs in there somewhere. Or they could have it as a museum/amusement part thing. Of course, they'd have to add in an elevator that suddenly drops. (This is also not the first time I've had this idea in relation to CSI:NY. Weird.) But...yeah, I did like the end shot. We're the New York Crime Lab, baby. Hear us roar! Haha. Yeah. That's exactly what's happening right there.


- screencaps from wrthy2bluvd. Because they're awesome. And I can't cap my own 'cause I don't have a program for that. And doing it the long way is kind of impossible because CBS's player is crap.
- stylistically based on goddesspharo Glee spams. ♥
- this took a while to play with all of them in photoshop. So please don't take them without asking me first.
- hopefully my ramblings/rants didn't scare you away.
- full quotage under each section of caps possibly to come in the future (though probably not). 'Cause CBS'S PLAYER IS CRAP.

picspam: csi: new york

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