Jul 06, 2006 01:39
so maybe those predictions were far, far in the future. I dont know. Maybe im just full of shit. I dont know that either.
But, i wrote about it in, iduncarthamuche.
And i was really singing tonight. All by myself, i feel like such an artist sometimes. i paint. i sing, whistle, find things from the trash and make them have good noise. silverware is particularly nice when it comes to manipulating the tones.
And i really do hate saying that sometimes, calling myself this or that, i feel like im being too self righteous. I felt like that with my name glorious, i dont know why i hold myself back now. by writing this, i hope to let it go.
"i got some bugs, they're makin' friends with me.
I got some bugs from the bush oh yeah.
i got some friends they live out in the bushes.
the bush my fill my love my friend, oh wow."
just another one for the up and coming debut of FILL IN THE BUSHES!!
coming soon, to your studio audience!!