Having an XBox has allowed me to get NaviBlast up and running on it, and I'm now working on making things work better and fixing bugs. It's pretty good, and hopefully things will be going quicker on that front soon.
Meanwhile, the XBox has also distracted me with these darned things called Video Games. I've been playing Braid, Portal, and Half Life 2 on it, although I beat both Braid and Portal yesterday. Portals ending was really cool, while Braids was cool but confused the heck out of me.
Work is going good, I'm actually sort of working from home right now, just for the fun of it - that's how you know you have a good job. I'm listening to the new Swimfail album at the same time - Joe released it last night! It's pretty good stuff. I recommend you
go download it. It actually has a pretty neat theme going throughout. Go for it!
In other music, I bought a new Genesis CD a week ago, and while I've listened to it about 10 times since then, it's actually prompted me to start listening to Duke again, which was a Genesis CD I was obsessed with earlier this year at about the same time I was obsessed with The Yes Album by Yes. This time, I think I've almost uncovered a coherent-ish plot to the album, which I missed the first time. Pretty neat stuff.
Berni and I ate out together last night, that was fun. She's actually sleeping atm and I'm still in my Pajamas. I may be going for a bike ride with Collin from work later today, but if not maybe Berni and I will do something. Or maybe not; she was out with her new friend Fern yesterday so I dunno if she's gonna want to go out again.
As a final note, I got to play Rock Band 2 on Friday, and although it's very similar to Rock Band 1, it's a lot of fun. I ended up being in the office until almost 9:00 playing it.
That's the life of Stephen! Buena Vista to all.