Jun 12, 2008 11:18
It's three days before I move to Calgary. It has come up really really fast.
I must admit that at this point, I am actually getting rather scared. Partially it's because I know that I'm possibly leaving BC forever...leaving lopi, FNM people, etc...but that's not the real reason I'm scared. It's a source of sorrow, for sure, but one I knew and accepted before I started this job hunt.
The scaredness is how unprepared i am. I haven't booked Katie into the flight yet. She can't stay here, lopi has told me, because she's noisy when I'm gone and he's scared she'll get him kicked out. But I haven't found a place I can stay where she can stay. In fact, I don't have a clue where I'm going to be in three nights. Probably my moms...not because of any desire to be there, but simply by default, since I won't have figured it out by then and she's picking me up from the airport. I kind of want to go to Berni's, and be with her until we find our apartment, but I have no space at her place, and so I'm much less comfortable there when she's not around, which I learnt when I stayed in Calgary for three weeks that one time. That and I still am not comfortable using her kitchen. And her mom washes my dishes for me. Is it weird that that makes me uncomfortable? It makes me feel ungrateful...even though I tried washing my own dishes once and her mom told me not to worry about it. I'm just too used to taking care of myself, it's strange to have someone cleaning up after me, especially Berni's mom.
We should have an apartment soon though. Possibly as soon as this week. That's gonna be tons of fun. I have no clue how we're gonna get stuff there. Then again we don't have a lot of stuff in the first place. I guess I move my stuff in my and berni's suitcases on the bus...the suitcases which my cat peed on. It depends on the places we find though. Hopefuly we can find a place by July 1st.
And then I go to a job on Monday, and I don't even know what time to be there or what the hours are like. I know that it's 8 hours days. But is it 9-5? 7-4? 10-6? It's hard to say. It could even be that I get to pick my own hours. I'm hoping for that. I think I would do early days, but then again with Berni's hours at quiznos, I might do later days so as to have more time to spend with her while she's not at work. We'll see.
Oops, gotta go in 5 minutes. this entry is now officially over.