Definitely a Lloyd

Aug 29, 2006 00:08

(A Myspace Entry by my li'l cousin, Rhetters)

Venting is one thing i love to do. I think most of my bulletins in anything i have i.e. Livejournal, Deadjournal, Xanga, Myspace, etc. are in fact my venting. And when i dont take my meds i get really pissed and really annoyed at life. And guess what? I havent taken it in about 2 weeks so life is ripping away my patients day by day. Hour by hour. MINUTE BY FUCKING MINTUE. Sometimes the only thing that relaxes me for 5 seconds is a deep sigh. So let the venting begin!

*note to all that read this*
Some of the material may not be the "popular" opinion in many cases. I admit i do not know everything in the world, and i base my opinions on how i see the world around me just like every other person in the world. So please instead of bitching at me and saying "THATS NOT HOW THINGS ARE!!!" instead, give me specific examples unto HOW it is not. And i dont want ONE FUCKING EXAMPLE. Give me many. Have me believe this actually happens all over America.

1. Sex/ Race Bondage in America.
It has become abundantly clear to me and I'm sure the rest of America that it is the popular opinion that many people in America such as women, blacks, latinos, chinese, and jews are discriminated to the point that they are known to be declined for certain postions because they are in fact a woman, black, latino, chinese, and/or jewish. However, i would strongly have to disagree. There are LAWS against that. If they do not hire or do not promote you because you are one of the above, they can go to jail, prison, etc. and i know that they have thier ways of "hiding" the fact that they did not hire/ promote you or someone you know because of said fact, however, think about this specifically. Have you ever heard of the phrase "No matter how good you are at something, there will always be someone better than you." This is a FACT. You probably never stopped to think, "Gee, maybe they actually DID have someone better than me at what they were looking for. Maybe he/she was more qualified than me. Maybe my view of myself isnt as good as i actually am. No matter, i will keep being the best person i can be and keep doing my job to the best of my ability. There are plenty of job opportunities out there for me and i'm sure i can get this same job at another firm." That is the problem with our society. I am guilty of it myself. We are so bent out of shape on looking at our own view of things that when a new view comes to us and it slaps us in the face, we take it as "offensive" and make sure it is never said again. I'm sorry but this is America. the melting pot, the salad bowl, whatever the hell u wanna call it. BUT the fact of the matter is this: in order to do well in this society you must be well equipt with knowledge of how to do something. So why do you all stop bitching about how you "didnt get yours" and start working your ass off harder than you have been. Affirmative Action is for LOSERS who THINK that they've done all they could so they are going to take a issue which has NOTHING to do with the actual issue that they are fight against: are they the MOST qualified person for the job. Now, to appease some of the rage of people who find this offensive. I know that this is not true for all cases. I know that sometimes this actually happens to people because of age, sex, race, etc. BUT it is not as big of a problem as media would hope u to believe. Do not fall into the media's trickery.

2. Hypocracy in Racism between Races ( As you can see, race/sex issues really get to me)

Why is it that black people (i'm not saying african american because the majority of them have roots in africa. They are not african anymore. that are pure america. It would be like calling me a german/polish/english/welsh/ whatever the hell else i am- american. I am pure American) can be Racist towards white people and it be fashionable, however when a white person is racist, they are an ignorant, hillbilly, or my favorite "Redneck". Oh boy! . I'm sorry but am i the only one that sees the hypocracy in that? And if you would like to know what i mean as in Racism, i mean when we have these little sayings like "Once you go black you dont go back". Um...what else. Oh! STAND UP COMEDY FROM BLACK PEOPLE!All it is anymore is comparing how black people are better than white people at everything. "White man cant jump, White man cant dance, white man cant ..." you get the point. However funny it is, it is still Racism. Dont give me bullshit like, "well i think we(black person) or they(anyone else) deserve to do that because of all the years of oppresion from the white man! (when i say white man in all my examples, i am including women too. I just say it that way because it is the way the phrase goes). Well woop-dee-damn-doo. Did you personally go through any of this oppresson or was it just your ancestors? I understand not saying the word Niggar or i guess the new phrase is "nigga" to a black person in the civil rights movements but when it is used in a term of endearment, you cant just limit it to one race- especially not when you, yourself, personally did not go through it. Just because it happened to your people does not mean it gives u the right to limit it to others. You dont see me telling and italian, german, or japanese person they cant say a fucking poloc joke. I say go ahead i can laugh at our tendencies and whatnot. DAMNIT THE HYPOCRACY IN THIS COUNTRY IS AMAZING.

3. Media

As i say in my first subject of ventment, DO NOT LET THE MEDIA GET UNDER THE FUCKING RADAR. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE SCUMB OF THE EARTH. I really should not say media. I should say news reporters and people that work on magazines and some specific newpapers. LET PEOPLE BE! I DONT CARE THAT BRITIANY AND HER FUCKING LOSER HUSBAND ARE HAVING A BABY. I DONT CARE THAT LANCE IS GAY. I DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT FUCKING CELEBRATY RAPED OR KNOCKED UP SOME FUCKING SLUT. DAMNIT I DONT CARE. And if u are one of these people that support the paycheck of the people that invade the privacies of these celebraty individuals, then im going to throw you in with them when i enslave the world for pissing me off so bad and feed you to some fucking sharks while you are alive. ill leave a cut on your leg so they will smell the blood and go after you. DAMNIT! Not to mention all of that but, why does everything on the news have to be murder this, rape this, blah blah blah this. Dave Chapelle did a wonderful thing for the world. In his show, Chapelle show, he took off. He felt too much pressure and took off. When he got back everyone wanted to know what happened. Well he told them and he said one statement that should seriously be taken to heart. When he did his skits on Chapelle show, he wasnt sure it he was making fun of stereotypes or just reinforcing them. To a point he was making fun of stereotypes, HOWEVER, he was reinforcing them by making the majority of his comedy about that. This rule should be applied to the fucking news. Are they just making the public aware of what is going on in society, or are they just reinforcing it. Is it getting into people's heads that some crime is like this, or is it that it is getting into people's head that this is the ONLY thing crime is. And with that, why does the majority of the news have to be CRIME. Why cant it be something to make people happy instead of something that makes people shake their heads and say "this is one sick world and i cant believe this happens all the time." like i said about the race and sex thing in jobs and other opportunities such as that, does that really happen all the time, or is that all we see, so thats all we assume that happens. i bet this is part of the reason we have to many atheists in the world. In fact, every atheist ive ever talked to or heard talk has said "I cant believe in a God that would let the world be like it is".

okay. I'm done for the night. I've been thinking and typing and venting for about and hour so im tired. Peace out. Remember what i said eariler: if you are going to help me expand my horizon and help me see what appearantly most everyone else can BUT me and a few others, then please have good examples, and try to be nice and dont let your rage out at me. I was talking to everyone in general, not just you. Thank you.
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