Mar 06, 2007 08:35
Hey all, Haven't posted in awhile, I know. I just don't feel I have much to report. Still working at Addition-Elle, working on multitudes of papers, though I think I have a plan either for an independent one of my own during summer or even a thesis at some point. I think you artsy folks will like it. Depeictions of animals in graphic stories, including serial comic strips (Calvin and Hobbes) and full page graphic novels (Copper). If I can make it work should be kind of fun. Found out I don't need to take Spanish this summer, so I likely won't. Not sure what I will take then, but I'll figure it out. See, this is why I hate posting, all I have to talk about is school school school, whereas all you guys have so many more interesting things going on. I wish I did, honestly. Well, s'all for now.