Feb 27, 2008 16:04
Speaking of the morgue, here's an entry I wrote in my old lj in high school:
.morgue entries are always free. [15 Mar 2003|03:08pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | poison the well - tear from the red ]
Walking into the morgue today was shitty as hell. There were a million nasty corpses, all burned, severed, and bloody. They were blocking all the doors! I was looking around and getting grossed out when Harvey, a stupid lab tech who simply fingerprints the bodies then falls asleep, started giving me a hard time. He told me that he never sees me doing anything and I had to tell him that I come every weekend and I never see him. Getting bitched at made me cross enough to squeeze through the dead people and out the closest door.
Fat Bastard died yesterday. I swear to god, Fat Bastard is dead. A 45 year old man, tipping the scales at 480 lbs, that's right, four-hundred and eighty pounds, was wheeled in by two grunting lab techs. Not only did I have to assist in removing his dirty diaper, I aided the entire autopsy. Needless to say, I was on the verge of regurgitating my peanut butter and bananna sandwich the entire time. Four people had to turn this man on his side and once he got there he let out a shit-fart that lasted 30 seconds. Everyone ran! It was *the* grossest thing ever. When the doctor was removing his intestines, even those began farting! His shit-fluid seeped all throughout his abdomen, covering all his organs in shit water. I didn't breathe through my nose for about two hours. I could barely hold his liver cos it was so damn huge. His organs were falling out of the pans that normally hold all organs quite nicely. When we cut open his heart we found a big white scar -sign of a previous heart attack. The dude died of natural causes; basically, he died cos he's fat.
An 18 year old by the name of Christina Fernandez died in a car wreck. I know an 18 year old girl named Christina Fernandez, luckily this was not the same girl. She wasn't too mangled, though she split her car in two.
There was a young unidentified man who died in a car wreck but his head split open over his left eye and all the way back. Most of his brain was missing. He really freaked me out because his face was all clean and then I looked at him five minutes later and pink foam was coming from his nose. It looked as if he was blowing bubbles from his nostrils. At first I thought his brains were seeping out but I quickly realized that I'm a dumbass. :\
This really old dude, maybe 78, looked like a scary, skinny vampire dude. He was just creepy and twisted. When the doctor single-handedly turned him on his side, a handful of soft poop just plopped out of his ass onto the tray. That was more humorous than revolting, unlike Mr.Bastard's shit tale.
I hope none of you ever have to witness the things that I did today.
Have a good Saturday! ;)