The nothing...ness my life has become...

Dec 11, 2008 18:17

Updates All Around:

Work - Work has been fine I'm still doing the same job I got hired for 2 years ago at State Farm. But I recently also started working at an Auto Parts store called Advance. So far no complaints; check back with me later.

Life in general-
Has been a mess.. I owe even more debt than I've ever told anymore before and it just keeps piling up. Now this dumbass apartment complex is making me pay money to them because of me moving out, and not vacuuming. They also say I turned in the fucking keys late when of course I did NOT! I now and will forever FUCKING hate apartments.

There is a man in my life that is soooo amazing, and I don't even know how to really do him justice in description. He means a whole lot to me. There have been some rough patches between us to where I didn't think we'd ever get to where we are today. But I'm glad I stuck by, and waited it out. I really hope that while he's deployed I can make it through without him. Not being able to see him as much as I like now because of our work schedules is hurting me bad enough now. I can really see myself with him from now on until well... forever. He is the only man so far that I’ve been with that has treated me the way I should be treated. He has respected me without hesitation. He has always taken my feeling into consideration. It is never "all about him". He makes me feel like I really do belong with him, and that he likes me for the real person I am. I feel that he isn't ashamed of me which feels really good. I keep trying to push him away since I think he's too perfect for me, and that I don't deserve to have my "dream man" in my life. I will try to stop doing that.

Some friends I don't talk to much anymore, and I wish I could change that but there are numbers of reasons why we don't anymore. But 1 fact that hasn't changed is that my 2 true blue best friends still have my back. They mean they world to me, and I do consider both of them family. They know who they are I don't EVEN have to mention their names. Just like I don't have to mention who the "man" is in my life, he knows who he is too.. :)

Hasn't happened yet. Yeah I took a few classes but you know what happened with them... NOTHING. I dropped out of one because I thought I was gonna get this job with Blue Cross & Blue Shield, and of course I didn't. The other I failed because it wasn't an easy class, and I opted to take the online version of it; biiigg mistake!
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