Two things. Firstly I wanted to say there is a
Hurley character discussion posted and it's only had two responses so far. Don't forget to show the big guy some love!
Secondly, I wanted some thoughts from my fellow writers on dealing with so-called politically-charged issues in your writing. Things like portrayal of gender, race, sexuality, etc.
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Things like phantom-limb syndrome are very intense to write about.
Oh, indeed. At certain points I was feeling terrible.
Glad that you're of the same opinion about the Fire + Water thing. I had exactly the same impression and Charlie just didn't seem like Charlie to me in there. I mean, fine if he's religious, but that was excessive and everyone seemed completely crazy. Also, I found it completely implausible that Claire would ask people if they knew about baptism. I mean, where did she live twenty years not knowing enough about it that she has to ask information? :// it seemed like they were giving the religious angle an importance that didn't seem there.
Agreed also about the Charlie-while-he-drowns thing. I mean, in that context it was a meaningful gesture and I guess that I could get why as a Catholic he'd do it, but in his place I'd have been pretty angry way before. I guess I just can't get what's behind it. Regarding Desmond, I think he should have had the crisis of faith at least from the hatch times, if not with the flashes. Unless you assume that he already had it after the monastery or sometime before.
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