Sep 01, 2008 20:32
is my credit card bill for the mth of August, w a large portion spent in USA.
this could only mean one thing:
i spent more than 10K in 3 mth.
oh shucks.
i feel so bad la, cos i only earned like 2K plus USD frm Seaworld, and the rest of the money came frm my family.
shyt shyt shyt.
but weirdly, daddy wasn't pissed off.
even though he has been seeing 4 digits frm my credit card bill for the past 3 mths.
thank God!
but right now, I'm so gg to save up.
i've a year to save up, cos i'm set on gg for exchange.
to where, i've no idea yet.
heh. but i really wanna go __________,
but den again, ______________ is still most fun of all.
and that wld mean at least another 10K to fork out.
this time round, I wanna come up w my own $.
so, saving starts now.
for the greater good.
every penny matters, oh wait.
i mean cent.
hv this bad feeling bout ethics.
TA doesnt sound pleasant and the class is mostly seniors.
chui alr.