Feb 15, 2007 14:19
I think I am actually smarter than I give myself credit for. Not that I want to sound arrogant or get a swelled head, but I like totally nailed the last test I had (100%, boo-yah!), and the work that we're currently doing in class is coming to me at an easier pace than expected.
It even amuses me when I hear my other classmates complain about how daunting some of the reading is, and how they freak out when the teacher mentions something not found in our books. There is one woman in my class who constantly complains about how poorly she's going to do when we get to transcriptions and that she'll never be able to memorize all the terms and components that we're delving into.
I do know that I haven't been applying myself as much as I should though (I hate writing in the book, because that means I can't try to sell it later). But I do find the subject matter very interesting (guess where blood is produced in your body, go on, guess!).
This current class is about a month long, and I think that if I do well with it, I'll reward myself. Rewarding oneself for a job well done is something we learned in that Student Success Strategies class, which seems my group totally lucked out on in having the law enforcement teacher from the East Campus come in to teach, because he didn't follow the book at all or make us do foolish things like presensations that were never marked **grumble-grumbles.**
I was a little miffed that I was the only person not to get my scrubs in today (I had to take one of the sets from a classmate who wasn't in today), and that my student card info was lost somewhere and that I will now have to wait until next week to get a hold of it.
I still don't like getting up so early in the morning...