Challenge fic

Aug 05, 2008 20:52

Title: Finding a perfect sleep
Rating: K+
Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Bruce/Selina, Batman/ Catwoman
Warnings: this is a stupidly short bit of goo
Summary: Ever since my parents died, I haven’t slept much. Even if I did sleep, there would be some horrid nightmare would bring me back to consciousness.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, Bruce and Selina would live happily ever after… so you guessed it… I don’t own ‘em

A/N: I’ve realised I have a cuddle obsession; it’s just so darn cute! And, many many many many many many many hugs and kisses and thanks and loves to kittybats fo the words of encouragement- if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t of posted.

Ever since my parents died, I haven’t slept much. Even if I did sleep, there would be some horrid nightmare would bring me back to consciousness. Instead my nights were spent on patrol, or on a quiet night, down in the cave. There was always something better to do other than sleep.

But then I started this… thing… with Catwoman. Selina.

First time we made love, 5 minutes later I was called out to the Gotham City Bank to help catch a gang of thieves. Although I’ll never admit this to anyone, especially Selina, climbing out of her bed, her embrace, a pang of guilt left me feeling a little bit emptier inside. The second time, I had been called back on patrol when Robin encountered some trouble and needed me. The frustrating pattern kept repeating. Over and over. I found myself wanting to sleep with Selina in post-coital bliss. I longed to wake up with her there, wrapped around me, instead of lying in my own bed, alone.

Finally, I told everyone to refrain from contacting me until morning when I returned. Ignoring their confused stares, unasked questions and Alfred’s smug smirk, I made my way to Selina’s apartment.

This time when Selina rolled onto her side- expecting me to leave, I followed her and spooned up against her. After tensing for a second, she asked;

“You’re not leaving?”

“Not until morning”

Rolling over so we were face-to-face, she purred and buried her face in the crook of my neck.

For the first time since I could remember, I slept all night. No nightmares, no bat-signal, no hours spent staring at the ceiling. Just a perfect sleep.

Leave me a comment… please… pretty please?

challenge fic, bruce/ selina, batman/catwoman

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