I watched approximately nine hours of
Miami Ink last night, because Ami is annoyingly hot (and they wear black nitrile gloves, guh. And I like tattoos/tattooing), and on one of the episodes there was an FTM.
He was getting a
wrasse (reef fish that can, like many other species of fish, change sex during its lifespan) tattooed on his back, and long story short, he made some really sexist comments about how women are mentally directionless, and how he was finally able to think when he started taking testosterone.
And I was sitting there feeling really pissed (because the guys in the shop were being assholes too, and I don't like having the bad points of people I like shoved in my face). And I know this journal is becoming like Diary Of An Angry Transperson, but! I wish transfolk would realise that when they say shit like that, they are only hurting themselves and the rest of us.
Because really: could this guy's inability to think before he started T, his feelings of directionlessness, possibly have been caused by severe dysphoria and gender identity crises, rather than (though probably complicated by, it's true) the fact that he was living on an estrogen drip? MAYBE? Christ on a cracker.
(There was also a little misrepresentation of medical transition, but the way they outlined it was still pretty good. The guy had top surgery a few years ago, and is on T obviously, and has had a hysterectomy, and is planning on having phalloplasty [oh god why]. It was made clear that he is legally a man, having had top/hysto surgery. Which was nice. And his partner was all, "I met him when he was physically a woman, but I love his essence," or whatever, and that was pretty awesome.)
Anyway. He passed like a mofo, guys. Seriously. I was shocked when he was like, "I am getting this fish because I used to be female." I was also shocked when he was like, "Now when I take my shirt off, people will ask me why I have a fish on my back, and I can tell them about my life." I was like, "What? They're not going to ask about the giant scars on your chest, also enabling you to talk about your life?" Granted, they didn't actually show his chest at any point (wtf?), so maybe he has minimal scarring or whatever.
So yeah. Angry Transperson out. Be excellent to each other.