1. So anyway. I have a book of porn that belongs to
impasto. Any mutual people feel like taking it off my hands and putting it in hers? eta: It's the Giant Book of the C-Verse! We cannot deprive a poor girl of her LOTRips!
2. My mom has taken a bookkeeping job at my office. IDK.
3. I feel kind of bad for the text messaging racket comments I made the other day about the Young Wild Things thing. Apparently there's no charge (above and beyond your standard carrier charge) for code texting, etc. I'M SORRY I DOUBTED YOU, PETE.
4. Not really. He's sold his screen printing press (AND HEMMY) to fucking DKNY, okay.
5. This McShep Match challenge is very nice for me, I think. I get an assload of decent John/Rodney without having to go looking/incurring the self-induced shame of looking. It is the good!
PS: I have GoogleTalk and MSN again--purpleswitch at both. Dling AIM tonight. Does anybody even use AIM anymore? I liked AIM.