when the lights come on this whole place gets ugly.

Jul 31, 2007 09:22


Also today, my Onion horoscope:

Misguided by the success of Orson Welles' groundbreaking, all-black production of Macbeth, you will be humiliated this week after the scathing reviews of your all-black production of Othello come in.

I think it means everyone will hate my story that's almost done (recipe for bandom failure: one part NO PORN to three parts therapy!Pete). I think I'm okay with that, because it amuses me greatly. And that is why we write! Um. Yes.

I believe I am going to go see Julius Caesar at Bard on the Beach for my birthday. Probably preceded or proceeded by food at Afghan Horsemen. Anyone who wants to come to either/or, say aye so we can figure out a day.

eta: impasto is my Authoritay on Shakesepare, so the play of choice is now Timon of Athens. I'll probably have to go see JC with my brother anyway, as it is his Favouritest WS Evar, but I don't want to ruin my birthday (this is all very haha, because I thought that the actor I wanted to see was in JC, but he is actually in ToA, so. Haha).

Deep thoughts: my Starbucks always blends the raspberry mocha frappumaccino perfectly--no chunks of ice. The green tea frappumaccino, on the other hand--massive chunks of ice. Wherefore, Evil Empire? Wherefore?


food, birthday, writing, shakespeare, horoscope, do your part to save the scene

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