in case god doesn't show.

Jun 26, 2007 12:26

I am such a goober. I loaded Patrick with many digital measurement units of icons (and fic), and brought him to work, as was the plan. But! I forgot the USB cable. Sadface!

So instead, a stupid meme (via iridescentglow. Sports Night!):

1. Copy and paste your friends list under a cut.

2. Bold the names of people you met in person.

3. Italicize the names of people you have spoken with on the phone, but not met in person.

4. If you are just online friends, leave the name alone.

the trail of dead:

aberfoyle, adarkmind, aimless_words, alienseas, alittlebliss, amelia_kay, andchimeras (ME), angel_grace, anikolas, anna_would, anyand, autumnfades, azurejay (ALSO ME), babywitch, baked_goldfish, beatlebug, besquared, bionic, boer, borntohum, breklor, brushstrokes, bubbles83, ccnz, chicklet_girl, clockworkboho, coiledsoul, copperpoint, corazoncurada, crimsonsnitch, deadflowerss, deadmonk, dendritejungle, edableme, edie22, eilla, elfiepike, enigmae, entenebris, erinthepixie, estrellada, fabiola91, faithnomore23, featherweight, feelingcold, flipmontigirl, flutter_fly, garlicdicer, gatefiction, geminus, grail76, halfway2home, haunted_attics, hearmecroon, hebe, heygirlie, holdontightly, iamtheenemy, ideal_girl, iholdwater, impasto, iridescentglow, isabelle_guns, itsaslashything, j_brisby, kerfect, khohen1, kimera, kinky_tink, kkscatnip, krazymazy, kyuuketsukirui, laivine, luckybrans, mandysbitch, manybellsdown, mazily, meegzi31, merihn, mia_ugly, michellek, mightyfastpig, mixedbatch, monkeypumpkin, moonwhip, ms_nerd (left me a voicemail once?), myfidelity, nach_denklich, nathanwiley, nefeleo, ninastasia, nixwilliams, octopussy, oddcellist, onelittlesleep, onthecontrary, orangebeaver, parkergray, permockable, phoebesmum, polykleitos, predictivememo, quasiradiant, queenofalostart, resmin, rfkfortheusa, riddled, roaneskin, rockcandy, rose_mly, ruedifference, samihail, sanyin, sarken, sarlev_vanisa, sassmaster, scrunchy, shibbyfangirl, shinytrinket, shuntbumps, somniesperus, stephiepenguin, stresskitten, takethisstep, tangleofthorns, team_awkward, tehjules, thecitylove, thedorkygirl, theotherej, thestylus, thettt, threequarters, tinkerwood, tinyfool, tobiascharity, tripoli8, triptnx, valisme, warlordkittens (well, through AIM, whatever), wilde_stallyn, wizened_cynic, wouldbemistress, xxlancecorexx

Or, about 12%, adjusted for redundant journals/journals that are not actually people. I predict this number will go up dramatically after Wincon.

That's kind of cool. I've only started meeting people from the internets/adding RL people in the last couple of years, so.


meme, the flist, patrick, elljay

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