My aunt was moved to hospice on Friday. The bf finally went with me to see her on Saturday night, and it was really good.
impasto came over on Sunday and we hung about for a while, which was also good.
Anyway, meme. Via
animal vegetable mineral:
1. Would you chew gum after someone else?
Probably not.
2. What song describes your relationship status?
Who cares!
3. How much does your dog(s) weigh?
Sixteen or seventeen pounds, both of them together, I think.
4. Are you a heart breaker, or the broken heart?
Broken heart, usually.
5. Ever been skinny dipping?
6. Earrings or necklace?
No thanks.
7. Who have you talked to most today?
The bf.
9. Friend of the opposite sex that lives closest too you?
The bf?
10. Color of your shirt?
Like, light taupe? Ish? I dunno.
11. How many years have you taken a language?
Five years of French, and I don't remember a thing (okay, not really. I can read it, but that's not saying much).
12. Who's on speed dial 2?
The bf's cell. Shut up.
13. What is your background on your computer main screen? It is the best thing since
Fueled By Fug.
14. Do you wish on 11:11?
I didn't know people did that. So, no. I do give a second if I happen to notice it's 10:13, though. Because I am a big dork.
15. Good advice if you ever go camping?
Make sure there are actual bathrooms. And that it's dry. And that your fire isn't going to smoke too much. And that there are no drunken yahoos across the way/in the next spot.
You know what, just don't go camping. It's over-rated.
16. Are you A BAD influence?
17. What color are your eyes?
18. Would you rather have your name or your sibling's name?
Mine, honestly. At least my initials make a decent nickname.
19. Would you do anything for someone?
Anything he asked, yeah. 'Cause I know he wouldn't ask something ridiculous (dude! Dude! I got a private e-mail from a mailing list mod asking me not to call other people's ideas "ridiculous"! WAIT, WHAT?).
20. Have you ever been called a bitch?
A few times. Rarely to my face. Probably lots behind my back, though. Haha.
21. Favorite color?
22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
Yes indeed!
23. What song is on?
"Underdog (Save Me)" - Turin Brakes.
24. Are your grades good?
They were when I was in school. Until they weren't, of course.
26. Would you date anyone on your friendlist?
Maybe? I don't know if I can "date" people, having never done it.
27. Does your best friend have a myspace?
Thank god, no. I do (blah). For the wizard rock, yo!
28. Whose page did you visit last?
As in, actual website? I tried to read that interview with the FanLib guy at Jenkins's blog. RIDICULOUS.
29. Last time you went out to lunch?
30. Do you watch the Gilmore Girls?
Heavens no.
31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson?
Every time I have listened to him, in fact.
32. Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?
Yes and yes!
33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears CDs?
34. Which radio stations are your favorites?
I like
CFOX and
the Ceeb.
35. Are you a Lost fanatic?
36. Do you still have pictures of your ex?
I don't have any exes, yay.
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
I have several.
38. Alanis Morisette?
Almost all of them. I quite enjoy her.
39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
40. King of the Hill?
Not regularly, but I do like it a lot.
41. Do you read trashy romance novels often?
I haven't in a very long time, which is sad. What? I'm enlightened, I'm allowed to read crap.
43. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
It's my goddamn car, I can do whatever I want. Including sing Fall Out Boy obnoxiously.
44. Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home?
45. Have you ever watched a little kid's show?
Of course. They're awesome.
46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't?
Whatever way you mean that, no. Oh. Except when wanking. Does that count?
47. Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary school?
No, silly. I was creepy and stalked them. Duh.
48. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn't ask her/him out because you were afraid?
49. Have you ever written a poem or story about your life?
Yes and yes.
50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but one person?
No. This is called obsession. Seek help.
51. Have you ever liked someone solely because of their appearance?
Yeah, but it usually ends right at the "liking" stange, and doesn't even get pursued in a friendship arena. The physical is, for me, paradoxically ephemeral. It don't really matter.
52. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?
HAHAHA NO. I have grapes today, though! Yay grapes!
53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
Sometimes, rarely, and never about my own space, haha.
54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
No. Sadface.
55. Do you know how to knit?
Not really. I use a loom. I'm a big fat cheater.
56. Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover?
I finally found snap covers for my phone, so hopefully I'll have one of those soon. I don't have an mp3 player at all, but again, hopefully I'll have
one soon (found out I have to download some stupid shite software to make my phone an mp3 player, so that won't be happening. Nokia=sneaky fuckers).
57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them in a song?
Of course. I Was A Teenage Band Geek.
58. Do you keep a diary or journal online?
Ce n'est pas une journal.
59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color?
Uh, well. Most of my clothes are on the floor, so. White walls?
60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?
I don't know from Coldstone, so I'll go with Baskin Robbins. I really truly love Ben & Jerry's, though.
61. Physics or chemistry?
Physics, omg. Chemical reaction equations hurted my brain ow.
62. Earphones or headphones?
What the fuck is the difference? I hate earbuds, either way. Much prefer the giant cushy things. Behind the head/earclips, specifically.
63. Pink or teal?
64. Earrings or a ring?
65. Commitment or casual dating?
kyuuketsukirui's answer: "Commitment takes less effort and fewer social skills."
66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?
67. Fly or road trip?
Road trip! Train trip! Hiking trip! Biking trip! Yay ground travel!
68. Starbucks?
69. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Fantasia, the end. I do like the stupid musical romances, though. Especially Beauty & the Beast.
70. What color is your room?
Blood red. I didn't pick it. I do like it, though.
The end!