where we come from and where we go home.

May 02, 2007 10:56

1. Meeting last night went very well, though also very late. Hopefully I will have lots of time with the bf tonight instead.

2. Interview at Coast Mountain this morning was all right. I probably fucked it up. Oh well.

3. There's going to be another "Once More, With Feeling" singalong at the PacCin. Saturday, June 2, at one o'clock. Tickets are ten dollars at Happy Bats Cinema (East 15th and Main Street). Paypal also available if you e-mail buffytix at Gmail.

4. BC Browncoats are doing Can't Stop the Serenity again, yay! Saturday, June 23, also one o'clock, also at PacCin. Tickets are thirteen dollars until the end of May, then fifteen dollars until the show. For purchasing info, comment here or e-mail serenityscreeningvancouver at Yahoo (dot CA!). There is also an official t-shirt order going out on May 12, but I'm having trouble finding stuff about that. Shrug! More information about CSTS here.

We're hoping to sell out this year (two hundred people)--we got one hundred and thirty-seven last year. So, you know, buy a freaking ticket.

5. That's all.


browncoats, lorum ipsum, work, buffy, firefly

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