Because I have an hour to kill and icon memes are awesome for that.
(Yes, I could write the missing scene for That Story, but whatever. It doesn't own me.)
Yoinked from
many thousands of words:
per fandom:
15 Supernatural
12 Firefly
12 Sports Night
10 Everwood
4 Joan of Arcadia
3 Stargate: SG1
3 Veronica Mars
2 House
2 Studio 60
1 Battlestar Galactica (Technically, it's about how s2 sucked. Whatevs.)
1 Compuslash (Mac/PC forever!)
1 Homicide
1 Star Trek (TOS!)
1 West Wing (I miss my WW icons. Sniff.)
Total = 71
14 Harry Potter (Blame my unnatural love of Snape.)
1 Threesome
1 Quills
Total = 16
most popular ships
4 Sam/Dean (Supernatural.)
2 Luke/Kevin (Joan of Arcadia. The Girardi brothers were my original ticket to Hell.)
1 Amy/Bright (Everwood. The Abbott siblings were my original ticket to the other Hell.)
1 Amy/Ephram (Everwood.)
1 Bayliss/Pembleton (Homicide.)
1 Bright/Colin (Everwood. Oh. OTP.)
1 Dan/Casey (Sports Night. FTW!)
1 Danny/Matt (Studio 60.)
1 Danny/Jordan/Matt (Studio 60. No. They so are. Shut up.)
1 Eddy/Gnome (Threesome. Theirloveissopure. And pushed out of a window.)
1 Ephram/Madison (Everwood. I don't even know anymore.)
1 Ephram/Matt (Everwood. The Gayest Piano Teacher Ever was my original ticket to the Special Reserved Level of Hell.)
1 Grace/Joan (Joan of Arcadia. Girl OTP!)
1 Jack/Daniel (Stargate: SG1. Yays!)
1 Jayne/Mal (Firefly/Serenity. And that's a fact.)
1 Kirk/Spock (Star Trek. Trekkies invented slash!)
Total = 20
most popular characters (alone or with others)
(Left out scads of doubles and singles.)
8 Snape (Harry Potter.)
6 Sam (Supernatural.)
5 Casey (Sports Night.)
5 Dean (Supernatural.)
4 Dan (Sports Night.)
4 Ephram (Everwood.)
4 Harry (Harry Potter. Okay, I also have an unnatural love for Harry.)
3 Bright (Everwood.)
3 Dana (Sports Night.)
Total = 42
default icon:
From one of the Anti-Valentines.
oldest icon:
A Logan quote from Veronica Mars, about Veronica. Not actually the oldest icon I have currently upped, but the one least recently upped.
newest icon:
Ever-so-slightly newer than my default. A quote from America: The Book. Icon by
happiest icon:
Kaywinnit Lee Fry! From "Out of Gas." This is the one I usually use when I'm expressing happiness, anyway. I don't have a HAPPY OMG YAY icon. Caption from "How the West Was Won" by REM.
saddest icon:
I have a lot of "sad" icons. Like, a LOT.
Nick from CSI, I think "Caged," but I'm not sure. Caption from "Sudden Death" by The Organ.
Sam and DEAN'S DESPERATE LITTLE FACE from "In My Time of Dying."
angriest icon:
Normally I would use my vindictive!Snape one, but I've been told it's much more sexy than angry, so how about:
Short and sweet. Orwell quote from 1984. There's also "insufferable cock," "and that's a fact," "bloodstained note saying fuck you all," "it's been a bad day," AND "fuck with the motherfucker's tea and the shit be on." Because I am often angry.
cutest icon:
Ladies and gentlemen, I HARTH DARTH.
sexiest icon:
funniest icon:
Huh. I have a surprising number of these too.
The keyword is "ego operor," which is a terrible translation of "I do" into Latin.
favourite ship icon:
I don't think it will ever stop winning this category.
favourite quote icon:
Because it's True Facts, bitches.
favourite textless icon:
THE GATE, omg.
A thousand words, my friend. A thousand words.
Hour killed successfully.