Dude, House had everything last night, including an actor who looked mysteriously like Cute!God from Joan of Arcadia (aka my countryman
Kris Lemche). Rock.
Also, I tried Friday Night Lights and if it's like that every week, I don't think I could handle the ridiculous rollercoaster tension (or the shitty camera work--yes, it is okay and nice to be realistic and found-footage-y sometimes. Not all the fucking time. Some of us get migraines. Anyway).
(But I've missed Kyle Chandler. And Connie! And Jessica! And very large boys playing sports omg! And smalltown desperation, blahblahblah sentimental portrayal of Texas, etc.)
Whatever. I liked it, in general, but the camera stuff really made we wary of watching it again.
Does anybody know where I can find an up-to-date introduction to Supernatural? The
crack_van one is a) from
crack_van, whom we don't like anymore, and b) almost a year old.
Drive-by SPN RPF rec: "
A Work Of Tragicomedy & An Exercise In PoMo Bullshit" by
shaychana. It is NC17 metafic. No, I'm for serious here. Go go go read it, especially if, like me, you struggle with the ethical and philsophical shit of reading RPF (or, like me, enjoy reading hot things yay).
Set skulking tonight! I'm wearing my
The Communist Party shirt for strength.