you don't have to drink right now.

Sep 07, 2006 11:29

Via impasto.

several thousand words:

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List each one in your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance it has.


"The Air Poets
Play out the swiftest gales
And sometimes loll in the eddies.
Poem after poem,
Curling back on the same thrust."

From "As For Poets" by Gary Snyder. I've got a whole set of SN icons with quotes from this poem. There are six main characters and six verses, so. I used the candid shot from the s2 "glamour" photo shoot for all of them as well (I really really like that spread). I characterised Dan as an Air Poet because--he has high highs and low lows and everything comes back to one thing: he's just not enough.

"Suburbia" by Matthew Good Band. I have a wee piece of Ephram/Amy in my heart, because she was such a perfect unattainable in the first bit of the first season. They should have left her that way, but I suppose it was nice to see her as human as well. I don't ship them as Forever And Ever, Amen. Only as--teenagers. They don't let each other grow, and that's why it won't last. Also, canon convinced me that Amy was omg cosmic in love with Colin, so.

Trembling Before G-d is a brilliant documentary about gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews in Israel. "By the Rivers Dark" by Leonard Cohen.

"By the rivers dark
Where I could not see
Who was waiting there
Who was hunting me.

And he cut my lip
And he cut my heart.
So I could not drink
From the river dark."

"Divine Like You" by Emm Gryner. Ephram/Matt. My very first very illegal, very wrong pairing. Matt wants to have Ephram--to possess him, his talent. Or possibly just take advantage of him because Matt is evil. And Ephram is like omg! Somebody doesn't think I am The Universe's Answer to Piano! Yay! Because Ephram is emo and self-destructive. The icon has a trick bit of text in the middle that you can only see if your monitor is magic. The whole lyric is "never wanted anyone/not like you/divine like you."

Well, it's a quote from Quills. The Abbe says it to the Marquis, and it's a really lovely quote. I use it for writing, grammar, and bits of language funniness, and also to acknowledge when I've misspelled something. Thus the keyword: "or just a malcontent."

It's Dan and Casey! From "Shane"! Because Casey's a jackass and Dan is having a nervous collapse. I was making a giant set of icons for lifeinwords (which is unfinished because I suck, but she does have about half of them, so), and I used a more zoomed in version of this cap for an icon that says "I will not turn my back." I kind of fell in love with the picture, and I wanted a Dan/Casey split icon that wasn't funny (had one that said "Casey! Be nice to Dan," but people thought it was hilarious instead of angsty).

Um. It's still the Quills quote. But with Toby? Because there came a point where I had no West Wing icons, and that is a thing that should not be, but I also didn't have any other ones at hand (except for a couple of ugly Sam ones I did for the old icon contest comm). So. Tada!

It is my first SPN-related icon! Which I made because I was also watching Dark Angel s2 at the time, and his Dawson's Creek episodes were coming up, so it was like--omg, Jensen Ackles! Everywhere! Agh!

Trekkies invented slash! I think realising the real history of fanfiction and slash gave me a much deeper, richer appreciation of fandom. I read one academic essay on the history of slash or another and my Inner History Major went nuts with joy. That's when I started getting into meta (as a reader and discusser more than creator--I talk a damn good game of theory in person, man, but not so much on the internets).

"How The West Was Won And Where It Got Us" by REM. Another thing where I have a whole set for the fandom. This cap is from "Ariel," and it's kind of an ugly picture, but the Simon one is from "Ariel" and I wanted them to match. Whatever.

Yeah. I really like the Muller photo shoot. The end.

(It is for making fun of actors and also for when I need to see a pretty boy in a suit.)

Mac/PC=OTP! Do not deny! This was made by slartabartfest and I heart it. John Hodgeman is love.

Save me from the img tag!


meme, icons

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