I finally did it. Made the kink beta comm. My mini-spam promo (if two posts counts, which it probably does because elljay loves the hyperbole)--
There are a few things I really love. They are, in no particular order, fandom, ice cream, the English language, and kink. To the end of consolidating the arenas in which I pursue these interests, I've created a community. Not just any community about kink, fandom, ice cream, and English though--a kink beta community.
Ever wonder if that "six-foot" bullwhip you're writing about is actually six feet long? You need
Ever wonder if it's possible to suspend two hundred pounds of hot'n'willing werewolf from a chandelier?
safer_words is the comm for you.
Ever think, "Omg, this scene would be so much hotter if the author had asked for some help writing about caning!" You belong at
Ever think, "I wish there was some way I could combine my experience as a leatherperson with my love of fandom"?
safer_words needs you.
Et cetera, et cetera. Check out the community info for more--info. Ha. So far, there's just me as mod, member, and watcher. Membership is moderated, based on age of consent and some other things. Don't let that stop you helping fandom out!
Lord, let someone join. Please.
I suppose I should write my own intro. I don't want to.