1. I saw Christopher from the
kinkubc social night at Sin City. Chatted briefly. I covet his PVC vest.
2. I also saw Piotr from the Youthquest! group I went to in freaking Langley, and whom I have not seen in probably five years. He was in nurse drag, which is one of the cutest things ever.
3. How to irritate me: make some lovely textless icons, be bitchy about people using them as bases, and then be like "oh they're textless because I hate putting text on and I am lazy, omglol!!!11!" Shut up and at least pretend to have some artistic integrity. Preferably in that order. Fanks much.
4. I was strong and didn't watch Grey's Anatomy last night. No. I had pizza at the 'rents' (the new Cheesy Bites thing from Pizza Hut? Omg so good), and watched Lord of War (which was all right, but I really am very very picky about voiceovers, and that one is--sub-par. Hearts for Nic Cage, though), and went home and watched CSI: Weekends, and went to bed early. The end!
I think that's all. Except for I have homemade macaroni and cheese for lunch again this week. Yay.