they're never going to find me now.

Feb 10, 2006 11:23

I didn't enjoy CSI too much last night. No, seriously. I kind of liked the Lady Heather/Grissom scenes (and Nick!), but that's just because I'm a Lady Heather/Grissom fan (and Nick!). The storyline was unclear, there were Goatse-type gaping plotholes, and it was just--gruesome for the hell of it. Which is okay, sometimes (see: Supernatural, Buffy, Angel, X-Files, Millennium, etc.), but when you're being gruesome for the hell of it, don't try to make it seem like you're being gruesome for a reason.

Also, fuck the last scene. I think. I'm still not sure if I hated it or not.

Supernatural is on tonight, yay. I am excited because polyfandomrecs just did a Padalecki/Ackles-heavy RPS post (evil, I tell you. Evilevilevil), and I spent some quality time with the devil. Also, because I too have a priest kink. What? You thought there was one I didn't have?

I started writing my 7sins_7virtues yesterday. Possible titles (because you care): "The Oversexed and the Underaged," "Don't Call it Love, it's Just Sex," "Sober and Staying That Way," "The Joy of Addiction Recovery," "When You Find That Magic Pill (Or, Twenty-Four Hours A Day For Teens)," or just "Twenty-Four Hours A Day For Teens."

And I've narrowed my remixredux candidate stories to three, I think. My remixee is prolific.

That's all.


remix, veronica mars, fandom, csi, challenges

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