Okay, shoot me. I like the new Our Lady Peace single. A lot.
New icon. Keywords: b-b-b-bounce it. Comment: "quoteage. bright, everwood ("put on a happy face"). pathetic attempt at immitating the original twop textblock style."
After re-watching "Gum Drops," I have concluded that I am not spectacularly moved by it. There are parts that do move me greatly. Most of them have to do with the voiceover and George Eads (omg). I do believe I'm beginning to ship Sara/Greg, though, which disturbs me more than a little. I didn't miss Grissom on first viewing, but I did on the second. Didn't miss Catherine much at all, though I did like the itty-bitty scene she got. I loved Sage and the other residents of Pioche.
I think wee Cassie is a proto!Sara, though. I'd like to read something--like, Nick was the person who needed to save her, and Sara is the person who needs to relate to her now that she's a survivor. I'm not going to write it, because it appears I don't write anymore (see
andchimeras for further evidence, oy vey). Also because I don't think I'd be very good at writing Sara.
I think that's all. Oh, wait.
Saw Doom with my brother today. I enjoyed it thoroughly. No, seriously. I really really liked it. Never played the game, not particularly into FPS (first-person shooter, not fictional person slash--we know how I feel about the latter. Vile, vile stuff. Harmful to minors), but I had a great time watching it. It's not even a totally thoughtless movie, either.
Saw Two for the Money last week with the bf. We both liked it lots. Again, not a totally thoughtless movie, but it's definitely no The Constant Gardener. Was greatly intrigued by Jeremy Piven's character. Sadly, this movie will never inspire fandom. Alas.
I really have to go see Serenity again this week. It will disappear shortly, I'm sure. Why, oh why. I think they let up the advertising way too soon. You don't quit when you open at number two. You just don't.
Every time I see an advert for Jarhead, I get more and more excited. Which is weird. I think I might have a secret thing for Jake Gyllenhaal. He's like--if Tobey Maguire hadn't sold out. And more cute. And in Gay Cowboy Movie (tm
eta: Also, really looking forward to Walk the Line, for some reason (more than likely named Jaojuin Phoenix). Perhaps next year they'll do a Liberace biopic. We can hope!
Anyway. I should go to bed. Laters, haters!