Mar 30, 2006 11:56
... You'd think that would be a bad thing, but it's actually a turn on, lol. I got breakfeast made for me this morning by my baby. She's so great. I'm at her mom's house right now, cause her mom is at Pickel lake for some business thing and she needed some protectoring so that's why I'm here. She made me Finish Pancakes for me with raspberries ontop, mmmmmm. Then she ate a Pickel and had pickel breath, but I love pickels, so it was just a turn on, hehehehehe. I'm such a dork.
Not much new for me, my tatt is fullied healed and looks great, and the black is still really black which is just a bonus. My 22nd Birthday is in one month, April 27 for anyone who wants to get me anything, just kidding. I'm gonna rent a hotel for me and Steph for my Bday at the Victoria Inn. It's gonna an Executive suite witha Jacuzzi and a fire place in the room, oh, and a king size bed too ;)
I went to the Apollo on friday whith my buddy Greg from work. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, eat rice before you go drinking, it makes you really sick. I fucking puked sooooo fucking much at the Apollo, but it was kinda funny cause there was this Jamocan guy in the bathroom with me cheering me on as I puked my life out. I had tons of fun though, and me and Greg are gonna hit that shit again. That night at 3am, I spent my time on my bathroom floor puking into my bathtub, because I had decided that puking into my toilet and flushing every few minutes was wayyyyy tooo much work for a drunk. So I filled my bathtub up with a sweet mixture of whiskey, PB&J shots, Vodka, bile and rice. Lovely image eh? You should have seen it the next morning when I had to clean it all up.
Anywho, I'm defienatly gonna hit the Violet Hour show May 20th at the Apollo, and if you have any balls you'll hit that too.