Nov 02, 2012 09:19
a jewelry store owner stopped by to talk about construction of his store. anyway, the conversation gets going about women and he's offering to try to hook up someone since he knows lots of women apparently "what do you want, a rich or a b****?" "no thanks i have a girlfriend" (wife died of an aneurysm some yrs back hence the conversation) anyway, so the convo wraps up b/t the head electrician and the owner, the GC says "God bless" and then "can you hook me up with a rich girlfriend?" something like "my wife doesn't have to know or wait i'll just be greek, I'm greek they have plenty of girlfriends over there" now, i understand it was all in a joking manner but really? smh, 6 months ago those comments back to back likely wouldn't have bothered me to the extent they now do. maybe i am being too sensitive about it and maybe i should have said something but i havent felt right since. i am not trying to judge the guy cuz i can quickly whip up a resume of my own faults and hand them over to you but starting to today i am going to try to whittle it down some starting with trying to pay attention to the words that come out of my mouth and according to proverbs that means having to take a closer look at my heart around people since thats where our words flow from.
#taking a care
via ljapp