its been a journey (and always will be, too)

Aug 20, 2012 12:26

there is liberty in honesty :) just came up with that. same as "the truth will set you free" the truth will set you free but it will hurt a hell of a lot first. my paraphrase of a rick warren quote. and its damn true. i bawled like a baby at church yesterday, and it was good. i'd also like to add that about honesty, it has to be with the right person/people. perhaps under the right circumstances too. also, that there is strength in admitting weakness. it's... like nothing i've ever experienced before in my life, and sounds like an oxymoron but... its simply indescribable and awesome! and i think that honesty and transparency are pretty much the same thing. honesty: telling the truth, holding nothing back. its interesting the definitions for lying. lying can be holding back information, depending on the circumstance.

well that was a little bit of a long winded tangent but thats how my. massively introverted mind thinks :) thats something i am starting to work on. among many other things lol. oh yea another thing about strength. strength is NOT really the absence of weaknesses. at least, strength of mind or character i guess would b a better word. life's getting busier and filling up quick. my work is paying off, definitely and i am sooo looking forward to the future. work and blessings go hand in hand even if not right away. plug yourself in and keep at it and just let God do His thing. oh yeah! I'm discovering what pastor chris and freddy found out for themselves already. it doesnt mean things will be easy, but they'll be worth more than any hard work or hard times to get there. more than u can even imagine. "God's got swag" i 'm lovin it!

via ljapp

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